Resources to help independent developers make money.

Contents 内容

Communities 社区

  • IndieHackers



    这是给引导者的消息,而不是给VC黑客的。Hacker-News喜欢论坛。Peter Bhat Harkins在2016年初开始了它,从那以后我发现它非常有价值。此外,它运行在伟大的软件,这总是一件值得欣赏的事情!

  • Forum  bootstrapped.fm论坛

    A forum for bootstrappers. Started in 2013 by Ian Landsman and Andrey Butov as a continuation to the now defunct The Business of Software.
    引导者的论坛。由Ian Landsman和Andrey Butov于2013年创立,作为现已解散的The Business of Software的延续。

  • ##passiveincome on freenode

    Matthew Mallard created this channel on the freenode IRC network in early 2017 and it has been pretty active and growing ever since.
    Matthew Mallard于2017年初在freenode IRC网络上创建了这个频道,从那以后它一直非常活跃并不断增长。

  • HackerNews

    News for hackers, mostly technology and entrepreneurship. Not specific to indie devs but a must for everyone interested in computer science, creating products and making money. A lot of indie devs lurking around. Started by Paul Graham and maintained by the seed accelerator YCombinator.
    黑客新闻,主要是技术和创业。不特定于独立开发者,但必须为每个人感兴趣的计算机科学,创造产品和赚钱。有很多独立开发者潜伏在周围。由Paul Graham发起,由种子加速器YCombinator维护。

  • MegaMaker Club [$]  MegaMaker俱乐部[$]

    Exclusive community for indie makers run by Justin Jackson. Currently there’s a waitlist. Cost is $249 for lifetime access. I’m not a member so I can’t personally endorse it. Generally, I’m skeptic on products targeting indie makers but I still found it relevant to add this specific product because of cross references. Some people might find it interesting. Feel free to reference to reviews!

  • FounderCafe [$]

    FounderCafe is an invite-only, online community of entrepreneurs helping each other succeed run by Rob Walling and Mike Taber. $99 every 3 months. I’m not a member so I can’t personally endorse it.
    FounderCafe是一个只有受邀者才能参加的在线社区,由Rob Walling和Mike Taber管理,由创业者互相帮助取得成功。每三个月99美元。我不是会员,所以我不能亲自签名。

  • [$] focuses on helping software developers launch successful side projects. Being part of the community gives access to case studios, bi-weekly webinars and live mentoring. Run by Justin Vincent. $19.99 per month.

  • Makerlog  马克洛格

    Makerlog is a free community of makers shipping products together. There’s discussions + a task management tracker that allows you to get a streak (to keep you motivated shipping).

  • Aussie Founders  澳大利亚创始人

    Aussie Founders is a free community bringing together & supporting Aussies having a go at their own business.
    Aussie Founders是一个免费的社区,汇集并支持澳大利亚人从事自己的业务。

Other 其他
  • r/Entrepreneur - Not exclusive to indies/bootstrappers but still with relevant content for us.
    r/Entrepreneur -不限于独立/引导程序,但仍为我们提供相关内容。
  • Bootstrapped Slack (invite here invite link currently dead, working on it!) - Slack that probably originated from the forum. Not really moderated.
    Bootstrapped Slack(请在这里邀请链接目前死亡,正在努力!)- Slack可能起源于bootstrapped.fm论坛。不是真的温和。
  • r/SideProject - Quite active
    r/SideProject -相当活跃
  • Sideprojectxyz (invite here) - Slack community for people working on their side-projects.
  • r/IndieBiz - A subreddit for small and independent businesses.
    r/IndieBiz -一个面向小型和独立企业的Reddit子站。
  • /r/EntrepreneurRideAlong
  • Work In Progress [$] - A public todo list for accountability, and a Telegram chat of 800+ makers. Freemium.
    Work In Progress [$] -一个公开的责任清单,以及800多个制造商的Telegram聊天。免费增值
  • r/Startups - Not exclusive to indies/bootstrappers but still with relevant content for us.
    r/Startups -不限于独立/引导程序,但仍然为我们提供相关内容。

Newsletters 电子报


    Weekly digest of the best user-submitted articles featured on Curated by Darren Stuart.
    每周摘要的最佳用户提交的文章精选。由Darren Stuart策划。

  • IndieHackers

    Newsletter containing the newest interviews of the site and also the best threads from the forum. Normally ships on Thursdays. By Courtland Allen.

  • Indie  独立

    Stories, lessons, and inspiration for independent makers. By Justin Jackson.

  • The SaaS Bootstrapper  SaaS Bootstrapper

    Content about bootstrapping, SaaS, growth, marketing, and other startup topics curated by Mac Martine.
    关于引导,SaaS,增长,营销和其他创业主题的内容由Mac Martine策划。

  • Hackerpreneur  Hackerpreneur网站

    For indie entrepreneurs & makers who live and work on their own terms. Every Friday, you’ll get hand-picked startup resources & essays exploring the future of work in the exponential age. By Marc Eglon.

  • Bootstrap Money  引导资金

    Weekly roundups of stories, guides and resources to help you grow your internet business. Every Friday. Free. Curated by Nicolas de Thoré
    每周的故事,指南和资源综述,以帮助您发展您的互联网业务。每周五。自由了由Nicolas de Thoré策划

Podcasts 播客

  • Startups for the rest of us

    Started in 2010 by Rob Walling and Mike Taber have covered almost everything there is to cover in micropreneurship. Here you can find a ‘best of’ selection of their podcast.
    由Rob Walling和Mike Taber于2010年开始,几乎涵盖了微型创业的所有内容。在这里,你可以找到一个’最好的’选择他们的播客。

  • Product People  产品人

    A podcast focused on great products and the people who make them. Since 2012. By Justin Jackson.


    Several different topics around bootstrapping online businesses. Started in 2013 by Ian Landsman and Andrey Butov.
    围绕引导网上业务几个不同的主题。由Ian Landsman和Andrey Butov于2013年创立。

  • Bootstrapped Web  自举Web

    “To share the lessons we learn by doing, and learn from the things that others are doing, to help us all get ahead as we bootstrap our businesses online.” Since 2013 by Brian Casel and Jordan Gal.
    “分享我们从实践中学到的经验教训,并从其他人正在做的事情中学习,帮助我们在网上引导我们的业务时取得成功。自2013年以来,Brian Casel和Jordan Gal。

  • Entreprogrammers  程序员之间

    A podcast for developreneurs. Run by Josh Earl, John Sonmez, Derick Bailey and Charles Max Wood since 2014.
    一个发展企业家的播客。自2014年以来,由Josh Earl,John Sonmez,Derick Bailey和Charles Max Wood经营。

  • IndieHackers

    Podcast where Courtland Allen interviews some of the most successful indiehackers featured on the site. Started in early 2017 already has 12 episodes with great content and very carefully crafted related notes and links.

  • The SaaS Bootstrapper  SaaS Bootstrapper

    Interviews with entrepreneurs and bootstrappers about bootstrapping, SaaS, growth, marketing, and other startup topics. By Mac Martine.

  • Smart Passive Income  智能被动收入

    Not really specific to developers but with great content on the several types of products to make a living online. By Pat Flynn.

  • Giant Robots  巨型机器人

    Ben Orenstein (former growth/product lead at Thoughtbot) and Derrick Reimer (co-founder of Drip) talk weekly about growing their SaaS businesses.
    Ben Orenstein(前增长/产品负责人)和Derrick Reimer(Drip的联合创始人)每周都会谈论如何发展他们的SaaS业务。

  • Mixergy

    Startup Interview podcast hosted by Andrew Warner, who made $1 million a month from an online greeting card business.

  • How I Built This

    A podcast hosted by Guy Raz where startup founders tell their story.
    由Guy Raz主持的播客,初创公司创始人讲述他们的故事。

  • Build your SaaS  构建您的SaaS

    What does it take to build a SaaS in 2019? Podcast by Jon Buda and Justin Jackson as they grow

Talks 会谈

  • David Heinemeier Hansson at Startup School 08 by David Heinemeier Hansson

    Bootstrapping as the better alternative to VC funded startups.

  • Tyler Tringas on Storemapper and MicroSaaS by Tyler Tringas

    15 minutes filled with a lot of valuable information and insights where Tyler presents the concept of Micro-SaaS and tells us his story.

  • Bootstrapping Side Projects To Profit by Pieter Levels by Pieter Levels
    引导副项目通过Pieter Levels获利Pieter Levels

    Probably one of the most known indie hackers of the last couple of years talks about how to turn our side-projects into profitable businesses. Very straight to the point, Pieter always provides a lot of insightful thoughts. By the way, don’t get fooled by his lifestyle, his success is 500% work.

  • Marketing for Minorities by Patrick McKenzie

    Lightning 7-minute talk by one of the most respected indie developers. The point Patrick is trying to make, is that solo developers can target way smaller and niche markets which might have low competition and be very profitable from a solo business point of view.

  • Talking about CoderPad and business at Dropbox by Vincent Woo
    Vincent Woo在Dropbox上谈论CoderPad和业务

    Talk on building a successful small solo business.

  • Paul Buchheit at Startup School 08

    In this classic talk, AdSense/GMail/like button inventor explains how to listen to your users and why you should be critical of startup advice.

Other 其他

Posts 员额

  • I’m Launching 12 Startups in 12 Months by Pieter Levels
    我在12个月内启动了12家初创公司,作者:Pieter Levels

    The challenge that started it all for Pieter. It inspired me to do something similar. What matters is to create and ship a lot, learning in the process, until something is worth pushing further.

  • Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice by Patrick McKenzie

    Patrick has written over 500 posts and I have obviously not read all of them, but of the many I’ve read, I chose this one…

  • Running A Software Business On 5 Hours A Week by Patrick McKenzie

    …and this one too :D

  • Storemapper: Bootstrapped to $50,000/year in 2 years (with live metrics) by Tyler Tringas
    Storemapper:Bootstrapped to $50,000/year in 2 years(with live metrics)作者:泰勒·特林加斯

    This is just an example of a business more than one would be happy with :-) Besides liking how Tyler shares his story building Storemapper, I think he always maximizes for valuable content.

  • Why You Should Do A Tiny Product First by Amy Hoy

    This is the first of a series by Amy Hoy. I’ll be honest, I don’t even remember what this was about, just that I found it worth my time. Oh wait, yeah, Amy told me not to code, at least at first. I haven’t still gotten there…
    这是Amy Hoy系列的第一部。老实说,我甚至不记得这是关于什么的,只是我觉得值得我花时间。哦,等等,是的,艾米告诉我不要编码,至少一开始是这样。我还没到那里…

  • The Epic Guide to Bootstrapping a SaaS Startup from Scratch — By Yourself by Clifford Oravec首页>外文书>商业行销>企业管理> The Epic Guide to Bootstrapping a SaaS Startup from Scratch:By Yourself 

    Another series on what solo bootstrapping is about, with an offensive twist.

  • How to get more customers by Justin Jackson.

    This is a bit of a too specific topic for this general selection of posts, but the hell, you need to read it before it’s too late. Ok, I’m starting to sound marketingy :D

  • Indie Startups: The Ingredients of Success by fpgaminer
    《独立创业:成功的要素》(Indie Startups:The Ingredients of Success)作者:fpgaminer

    Numbers with meaning. fpgaminer analyzed all the products featured on IndieHackers, extracted some statistics and got to some conclusions. Also worth reading for the approach.

  • What you should know as a founder of a software company by Ivan Mir

    A guide to the complex world of modern software business: everything from UX design to marketing and writing, with a list of resources to start with each topic.

Others 别人

There’s obviously a million posts on the topic. I’m sure this is not a good selection but it’ll get you started. Here you can find some more:

Blogs 博客

  • Patrick Mackenzie  帕特里克麦肯齐

    Over 500 posts that show how Patrick went from being a software engineer to running successful software businesses.

  • Rob Walling  罗伯·沃林

    Lessons Learned by a Solo Entrepreneur.

  • Pieter Levels

    Lots of advice on bootstrapping businesses if you dig between Pieter’s multiple interests.

  • Tyler Tringas  泰勒·特林加斯

    On SaaS and his journey with Storemapper.

  • Joel Spolsky

    Software and business have always been topics Joel has covered. StackOverflow and Trello prove he knows what he’s talking about.

  • Signal v. Noise  信号与噪声

    The blog of the basecamp people, mostly David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried, on business and how to run bootstrapped companies.

  • Pinboard  Pinboard的

    Maciej Cegłowski’s blog for his bookmarking tool, pinboard, useful in showing the growth of a successful solo business.
    Maciej Cegbenowski的博客,他的书签工具,pinboard,在显示一个成功的独奏业务的增长有用。

  • The Bootstrapped Founder

    How to start, run, and sell a bootstrapped SaaS company without burning out — by Arvid Kahl
    如何启动,运行和销售一个自助SaaS公司而不燃烧-Arvid Kahl

Others 别人
  • The Foundation - Turning the process of creating a B2B SaaS business into a formula.
    基础-将创建B2B SaaS业务的过程转化为公式。
  • Price Intelligently - Blog focused on the economics of the SaaS business model and SaaS pricing.
  • Moz Blog - For anything related to SEO.
  • Paul Graham - A lot of content for big funded startups, but still relevant to bootstrappers.
    Paul Graham -为大型创业公司提供了很多内容,但仍然与Bootstrapers相关。
  • John O’Nolan - Especially the older posts on how he started ghost.

Case Studies 案例研究

  • IndieHackers

    From capturing a trend to getting acquired in less than one year.

  • NomadList

    Solving your own pain, representing a movement, moving fast and working hard by a serial bootstrapper.

  • Bugmuncher  布格明彻

    Transparent growth and financial reports by a solo saas founder.

  • Basecamp

    A collection of bootstrapped companies by the people at 37 signals.

  • Baremetrics  裸度量学

    An example of riding the wave.


    AJ writes about the making of and the different steps that he took on the way to a successful product.

  • CandyJapan

    Revenue numbers and learnings from running a Japanese candy subscription box.

  • Awesome Self Funded  了不起的自筹资金

    Awesome list of successful self-funded tech businesses with >$1M revenue

Events 事件

  • MicroConf [$]  MicroConf($)

    “The world’s biggest conference for the world’s smallest self-funded software companies”. It has two editions, one more focused to starters, and another one focused on growth. Both last two days. Las Vegas. Run by Rob Walling and Mike Taber.
    “世界上最大的会议,为世界上最小的自费软件公司”。它有两个版本,一个更侧重于初学者,另一个侧重于成长。两天前都是。拉斯维加斯。由Rob Walling和Mike Taber负责。

  • MicroConf Europe [$]  MicroConf欧洲[$]

    MicroConf’s European edition. Barcelona. Run by Rob Walling and Mike Taber.
    MicroConf欧洲版巴塞罗那由Rob Walling和Mike Taber负责。

  • BaconBizConf [$]

    “An alliance for B2B bootstrappers”. Philadelphia. By Amy Hoy and Alex Hillman.
    “B2B引导者联盟”。费城作者:Amy Hoy和Alex Hillman

  • StartupSchool  创业学校

    Free event organized by seed accelerator YCombinator. You have to be a bit lucky to get in. Also, this suggestion goes a little bit against the idea of “bootstrapped” but YCombinator has a lot of good resources for us indie hackers!

Not specific to indie founders:


  • Business of Software [$]

    “Business of Software is not based in Silicon Valley for good reason. It is about building long term, sustainable software businesses. …a thoughtful conference, where people come to listen and learn, not self promote and shout”. Boston. Team behind BoS.

  • Business of Software Europe [$]

    BoS European edition. London. Team behind BoS.

  • B2B Rocks [$]  B2B岩石[$]

    “Leading conferences for B2B and SaaS startups”. Popular business model for indie devs. Paris. Sydney.

  • PeersConf [$]

    “A conference for those who make the web, and make it their business”. Seattle (changes every year). By Jessica D’Amico.

Books 书

  • Start Small, Stay Small [$] by Rob Walling.
    《Start Small,Stay Small》作者:Rob Walling
  • Building Micro-SaaS Businesses by Tyler Tringas. - A collection of very well structured posts that cover the most initial struggles of an indie dev on the way to build a MicroSaaS. I can personally endorse it and I’m eager to read the yet to be written chapters :)
    构建微型SaaS业务由泰勒Tringas。- 一系列结构良好的帖子,涵盖了独立开发人员在构建MicroSaaS的过程中最初始的挣扎。我个人可以支持它,我渴望阅读尚未编写的章节:)
  • The Single Founder Handbook [$] by Mike Taber.
    《The Single Founder Handbook》作者:Mike Taber
  • Getting Real by 37signals. - More focused on building web applications, I really recommend it. Short, straight to the point, very easy to read and full of valuable content.
    由37 signals提供的真实的。- 更专注于构建Web应用程序,我真的推荐它。简短,直奔主题,非常容易阅读,充满了有价值的内容。
  • MAKE [$] by Pieter Levels.
    《MAKE [$]》作者:Pieter Levels
  • Rework [$] by 37signals.
  • Just Fucking Ship [$] by Amy Hoy and Alex Hillman.
    《Just Fucking Ship》作者:Amy Hoy、Alex Hillman
  • Marketing for Developers [$] by Justin Jackson.
    开发者营销[$] by Justin杰克逊。
  • Hackers&Painters [$] by Paul Graham.
    《黑客与画家》(Hackers&Painters)by Paul Graham
  • The $100 Startup [$] by Chris Guillebeau.
    《100美元创业公司》(The $100 Startup),作者Chris Guillebeau。
  • Technical Blogging (2nd Edition) [$] by Antonio Cangiano.
  • The Mom Test [$] by Rob Fitzpatrick.
  • Zero to Sold [$] by Arvid Kahl. How Arvid and his partner Danielle started, ran, and sold the bootstrapped EdTech SaaS FeedbackPanda, with everything that worked, should have worked, and didn’t work.
    《Zero to Sold》,Arvid Kahl著。Arvid和他的合作伙伴Danielle是如何开始、运行和销售自举的EdTech SaaS FeedbackPanda的,以及所有有效的、应该有效的和不有效的东西。
Other 其他

Tools 工具

  • free-for-dev  免费开发

    A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev. Very useful for bootstrappers to keep initial costs low ;) By R. I. Pienaar.

  • Stack-on-a-budget  堆积预算

    Another list of SaaS, PaaS, and Iaas offerings that have free tiers for developers on a budget. Very useful for exploring ideas and building out proof of concept. By Guillaume (256kb).

  • Tools Of The Trade

    Spectacular list of categorized tools for developers resulting from HackerNews threads. By Chris Barber and Craig Davison.

  • awesome-selfhosted

    “This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.” Lots of salvageable software :P by Edward D.

Courses 课程

Again, I’m not quite fond of listing [$] products made by indie developers targeting indie developers, especially because I haven’t tried them myself, but due to several references I assume they are probably worth it and some people might find value in learning about them.

  • Marketing for Developers [$]

    “An online marketing course for software developers & product people”. Read some reviews here. By Justin Jackson.

  • 30x500 Academy [$]  30 x500学院[$]

    “Pick your customer. Learn how they tick. Learn what they need, want, and are ready to buy.” Find reviews here(good), here(bad) and here. By Amy Hoy and Alex Hillman.
    “挑选你的客户。了解他们如何打勾。了解他们需要什么,想要什么,准备买什么。“在这里找到评论(好),在这里(坏)和在这里。作者:Amy Hoy和Alex Hillman

Specific topics 具体专题

In the future, I’d like to have a list of resources for more specific topics or FAQs such as:

  • ‘how to get ideas’

  • ‘how to find betatesters’

  • ‘how to find my first 100 users’

  • ‘how to validate my idea’

  • ‘where to advertise my project’

  • ‘what paid ads work better’

  • ‘i’ve got 100 users, how to grow’

  • ‘how do i deal with support’

  • ’types of digital products’

  • ’legal aspects’ “法律的方面”

  • ’typical mistakes’ “典型错误”

Help me make a proper list of specific topics!